Schedules Archive

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5/1/2023 8:30pm Mon  Sandlot(W) Trojans XL(L) Field 4 Softball Mon Men's 10v10 - E/Rec-2
5/1/2023 8:30pm Mon  Piranas(T) Los Doctores(T) Field 1 Softball Mon Men's 10v10 - E/Rec-2
5/1/2023 8:30pm Mon  Bulldogs(L) LOS BANDIDOS(W) Field 6 Softball Mon Men's 10v10 - E/Rec-2
5/1/2023 8:30pm Mon  Hitting bombs & Smashing Moms(T) Los Reyes(T) Field 5 Softball Mon Men's 10v10 - E
5/1/2023 8:30pm Mon  SCF(W) LOS TOROS(L) Field 2 Softball Mon Men's 10v10 - E
5/1/2023 8:00pm Mon  Paid for Both of Us(W) Tie(L) Court 4 Volleyball Mon Co-ed Lite 4v4 - C
5/1/2023 8:00pm Mon  Land Sharks(L) Make Volleyball Great Again(W) Court 3 Volleyball Mon Co-ed Lite 4v4 - C
5/1/2023 8:00pm Mon  Been there dug that(W) Red Team(L) Court 2 Volleyball Mon Co-ed Lite 4v4 - C
5/1/2023 8:00pm Mon  Sets on the Beach(W) Bad Execution(L) Court 1 Volleyball Mon Co-ed Lite 4v4 - C
5/1/2023 7:30pm Mon  Zion City(W) Los Toys(L) Field 2 Softball Mon Men's 10v10 - E/Rec
5/1/2023 7:30pm Mon  MAD DOGS(L) Low T(W) Field 5 Softball Mon Men's 10v10 - E/Rec
5/1/2023 7:30pm Mon  Traviesos(W) No Pepper Games(L) Field 6 Softball Mon Men's 10v10 - E/Rec-2
5/1/2023 7:30pm Mon  Catch These Balls(W) Wrecking Crew(L) Field 4 Softball Mon Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
5/1/2023 7:30pm Mon  One Hit Wonders(W) Slapping Pitches(L) Field 3 Softball Mon Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
5/1/2023 7:30pm Mon  DTD Remix(L) Cleats and cleavage(W) Field 1 Softball Mon Co-ed 10v10 - E
5/1/2023 7:15pm Mon  White Jesus and his Disciples(W) The baddies(L) Court 4 Volleyball Mon Co-ed Lite 4v4 - A/B
5/1/2023 7:15pm Mon  Interns(L) Take A Hit!(W) Court 3 Volleyball Mon Co-ed Lite 4v4 - A/B
5/1/2023 7:15pm Mon  SPIKETOWN(W) Slappin’ Balls(L) Court 2 Volleyball Mon Co-ed Lite 4v4 - A/B
5/1/2023 7:15pm Mon  Sting Ray & The Boyzz(W) I'd Hit That(L) Court 1 Volleyball Mon Co-ed Lite 4v4 - A/B
5/1/2023 6:30pm Mon  Take A Hit!(L) The baddies(W) Court 4 Volleyball Mon Co-ed Lite 4v4 - A/B
5/1/2023 6:30pm Mon  Slappin’ Balls(L) White Jesus and his Disciples(W) Court 3 Volleyball Mon Co-ed Lite 4v4 - A/B
5/1/2023 6:30pm Mon  I'd Hit That(W) Interns(L) Court 2 Volleyball Mon Co-ed Lite 4v4 - A/B
5/1/2023 6:30pm Mon  SPIKETOWN(L) Sting Ray & The Boyzz(W) Court 1 Volleyball Mon Co-ed Lite 4v4 - A/B
5/1/2023 6:30pm Mon  DTD(W) The Tucson Sandlot(L) Field 4 Softball Mon Men's 10v10 - E/Rec-2
5/1/2023 6:30pm Mon  Flsmidth(L) Heavy Hitters(W) Field 6 Softball Mon Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
5/1/2023 6:30pm Mon  Disgruntled Pelicans(W) Los Aztecas(L) Field 5 Softball Mon Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
5/1/2023 6:30pm Mon  Popping Balls(W) Glaz-Tech(L) Field 3 Softball Mon Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
5/1/2023 6:30pm Mon  Fire balls(L) TU(W) Field 2 Softball Mon Co-ed 10v10 - E
5/1/2023 6:30pm Mon  Buddy Ball(W) I’d Hit That(L) Field 1 Softball Mon Co-ed 10v10 - E
4/30/2023 9:00pm Sun  Scared Hitless(L) Tenacious Turtles(W) Field 3 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
4/30/2023 9:00pm Sun  Bat-Hit-Crazy(L) Gypsies(W) Field 6 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
4/30/2023 9:00pm Sun  Rusted and Busted(W) Thunder Cats(L) Field 2 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
4/30/2023 9:00pm Sun  Wrecking Crew(W) Buttweisers(L) Field 5 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec-2
4/30/2023 9:00pm Sun  For Hits & Giggles(W) Base-ic Pitches(L) Field 4 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec-2
4/30/2023 9:00pm Sun  Richard Craniums(W) Pitches Be Crazy(L) Field 1 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E
4/30/2023 8:45pm Sun  Sunday Weenies(W) Cut Shots(L) Court 3 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 2v2 - A/B
4/30/2023 8:45pm Sun  Mr. & Mrs. Wildman(W) Noobs(L) Court 2 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 2v2 - A/B
4/30/2023 8:00pm Sun  Mr. & Mrs. Wildman(L) Sunday Weenies(W) Court 3 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 2v2 - A/B
4/30/2023 8:00pm Sun  Cut Shots(W) Noobs(L) Court 2 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 2v2 - A/B
4/30/2023 8:00pm Sun  Swingers(L) Breaking ballers(W) Field 3 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
4/30/2023 8:00pm Sun  Sour Grapes(L) Pitches Be Crazy(W) Field 6 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
4/30/2023 8:00pm Sun  Dinger Bringers(L) Elite 10(W) Field 5 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec-2
4/30/2023 8:00pm Sun  Inglorious batters(L) Hits Different(W) Field 4 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec-2
4/30/2023 8:00pm Sun  Pitches Be Crazy(L) Breaking Bats(W) Field 1 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E
4/30/2023 8:00pm Sun  So Excited(L) Los Southsiders(W) Field 2 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E
4/30/2023 7:15pm Sun  Model Sponges(L) The baddies(W) Court 4 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 2v2 - A/B
4/30/2023 7:15pm Sun  Drunkin Sets(W) Usual Suspects(L) Court 3 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 2v2 - A/B
4/30/2023 7:15pm Sun  BallzUp(W) Dynamic Duo(L) Court 2 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 2v2 - A/B
4/30/2023 7:15pm Sun  Gym Rats(W) Way Above AV(L) Court 1 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 2v2 - A/B
4/30/2023 7:00pm Sun  Woo-Pass(W) The Regginators(L) Field 3 Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec