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9/17/2022 7:00pm Sat  Hit it, then Split it/Oh My Gourd(W) Pumpkin Spice Oreos/That’s What She Set(L) Court 4 Sep 17th Volleyball Tournament Swinging Pairs 4v4 - A/B
9/17/2022 7:00pm Sat  Mr. and Mrs. Wildman/House of the dragon(L) Aunt Flo and Big Mo/Chalupa & Chrunchwrap Supreme &(W) Court 3 Sep 17th Volleyball Tournament Swinging Pairs 4v4 - A/B
9/17/2022 7:00pm Sat  Bubble Buddies/The Sandlot(L) Chosen Ones/This is BS (B&S that is)(W) Court 2 Sep 17th Volleyball Tournament Swinging Pairs 4v4 - A/B
9/17/2022 7:00pm Sat  Swinging in the Rain/Spam and Rice(L) Defense material/LuSeve(W) Court 1 Sep 17th Volleyball Tournament Swinging Pairs 4v4 - A/B
9/17/2022 6:45pm Sat*  Young bucks(G4)(L) B.B.B(G4)(W) Field 6 Sep 17th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower 2
9/17/2022 6:45pm Sat*  Los Doctores(G1)(L) E Challenge Cup & Friends(G1)(W) Field 5 Sep 17th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower 2
9/17/2022 6:45pm Sat*  B town bangerz(G12)(L) Échale Pues(G12)(W) Field 4 Sep 17th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower
9/17/2022 6:45pm Sat*  Sandlot(G6)(W) Slug n Chug(G6)(L) Field 2 Sep 17th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower
9/17/2022 6:45pm Sat*  Skrewballz(G5)(W) BALLS OUT(G5)(L) Field 1 Sep 17th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower
9/17/2022 6:40pm Sat  This is BS (B&S that is)/Swinging in the Rain(L) Spam and Rice/Mr. and Mrs. Wildman(W) Court 4 Sep 17th Volleyball Tournament Swinging Pairs 4v4 - A/B
9/17/2022 6:40pm Sat  House of the dragon/Hit it, then Split it(L) Aunt Flo and Big Mo/That’s What She Set(W) Court 3 Sep 17th Volleyball Tournament Swinging Pairs 4v4 - A/B
9/17/2022 6:40pm Sat  Chosen Ones/Chalupa & Chrunchwrap Supreme &(L) Oh My Gourd/Pumpkin Spice Oreos(W) Court 2 Sep 17th Volleyball Tournament Swinging Pairs 4v4 - A/B
9/17/2022 6:40pm Sat  Defense material/Bubble Buddies(W) The Sandlot/LuSeve(L) Court 1 Sep 17th Volleyball Tournament Swinging Pairs 4v4 - A/B
9/17/2022 6:20pm Sat  Swinging in the Rain/That’s What She Set(L) Aunt Flo and Big Mo/Oh My Gourd(W) Court 4 Sep 17th Volleyball Tournament Swinging Pairs 4v4 - A/B
9/17/2022 6:20pm Sat  Spam and Rice/House of the dragon(L) This is BS (B&S that is)/LuSeve(W) Court 3 Sep 17th Volleyball Tournament Swinging Pairs 4v4 - A/B
9/17/2022 6:20pm Sat  Pumpkin Spice Oreos/Chosen Ones(L) Bubble Buddies/Hit it, then Split it(W) Court 2 Sep 17th Volleyball Tournament Swinging Pairs 4v4 - A/B
9/17/2022 6:20pm Sat  The Sandlot/Defense material(L) Chalupa & Chrunchwrap Supreme &/Mr. and Mrs. Wildman(W) Court 1 Sep 17th Volleyball Tournament Swinging Pairs 4v4 - A/B
9/17/2022 6:00pm Sat  Oh My Gourd/Defense material(L) Spam and Rice/This is BS (B&S that is)(W) Court 4 Sep 17th Volleyball Tournament Swinging Pairs 4v4 - A/B
9/17/2022 6:00pm Sat  The Sandlot/Hit it, then Split it(L) Aunt Flo and Big Mo/Mr. and Mrs. Wildman(W) Court 3 Sep 17th Volleyball Tournament Swinging Pairs 4v4 - A/B
9/17/2022 6:00pm Sat  Bubble Buddies/Chosen Ones(W) Chalupa & Chrunchwrap Supreme &/Pumpkin Spice Oreos(L) Court 2 Sep 17th Volleyball Tournament Swinging Pairs 4v4 - A/B
9/17/2022 6:00pm Sat  LuSeve/Swinging in the Rain(W) That’s What She Set/House of the dragon(L) Court 1 Sep 17th Volleyball Tournament Swinging Pairs 4v4 - A/B
9/17/2022 5:30pm Sat*  TUCSON HALO’S(G3)(L) Goon Squad(G3)(W) Field 6 Sep 17th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower 2
9/17/2022 5:30pm Sat*  Nature boyz(G2)(L) Los guerreros(G2)(W) Field 5 Sep 17th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower 2
9/17/2022 5:30pm Sat*  Los Vaqueros(G4)(L) The squad(G4)(W) Field 4 Sep 17th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower
9/17/2022 5:30pm Sat*  Stroke 3!!!(G3)(L) Échale Pues(G3)(W) Field 3 Sep 17th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower
9/17/2022 5:30pm Sat*  Slug n Chug(G2)(L) B town bangerz(G2)(W) Field 2 Sep 17th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower
9/17/2022 5:30pm Sat*  Sandlot(G1)(L) Skrewballz(G1)(W) Field 1 Sep 17th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower
9/16/2022 9:30pm Fri  Wolf Pac(L) Dos Amigos(W) Field 6 Softball Fri Men's 10v10 - E/Rec-2
9/16/2022 9:30pm Fri  The Softballers(L) bad news builders(W) Field 5 Softball Fri Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
9/16/2022 9:30pm Fri*  Whiskey Glasses(G3)(W) TBD(G3)(L) Field 4 Softball Fri Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
9/16/2022 9:30pm Fri  One City One Team New Edition Field 3 Softball Fri Co-ed 10v10 - E
9/16/2022 9:30pm Fri  Dtd(L) Bat Attitudes(W) Field 2 Softball Fri Co-ed 10v10 - E
9/16/2022 9:30pm Fri*  WS45(G3)(W) OnlyFriends(G3)(L) Field 1 Softball Fri Co-ed 10v10 - E
9/16/2022 8:45pm Fri  Heaven Set(W) Losers(L) Court 4 Volleyball Fri Co-ed 6v6 - C
9/16/2022 8:45pm Fri  Ballz to the Face(L) Maranatha(W) Court 3 Volleyball Fri Co-ed 6v6 - C
9/16/2022 8:45pm Fri  Sandy Balls(L) Passed Our Prime(W) Court 2 Volleyball Fri Co-ed 6v6 - C
9/16/2022 8:45pm Fri  I’d Hit That(L) Safe Sets(W) Court 1 Volleyball Fri Co-ed 6v6 - C
9/16/2022 8:30pm Fri  Last Call(W) Suicide Squad(L) Field 3 Softball Fri Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
9/16/2022 8:30pm Fri  Sandlot(W) Mean machine(L) Field 6 Softball Fri Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
9/16/2022 8:30pm Fri*  Pitch Slap(G2)(L) Whiskey Glasses(G2)(W) Field 5 Softball Fri Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
9/16/2022 8:30pm Fri*  TBD(G1)(W) Cartel(G1)(L) Field 4 Softball Fri Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
9/16/2022 8:30pm Fri*  99 problems(G2)(L) WS45(G2)(W) Field 2 Softball Fri Co-ed 10v10 - E
9/16/2022 8:30pm Fri*  Bandits(G1)(L) OnlyFriends(G1)(W) Field 1 Softball Fri Co-ed 10v10 - E
9/16/2022 8:00pm Fri  Maranatha(W) Losers(L) Court 4 Volleyball Fri Co-ed 6v6 - C
9/16/2022 8:00pm Fri  Passed Our Prime(L) Heaven Set(W) Court 3 Volleyball Fri Co-ed 6v6 - C
9/16/2022 8:00pm Fri  Safe Sets(W) Ballz to the Face(L) Court 2 Volleyball Fri Co-ed 6v6 - C
9/16/2022 8:00pm Fri  Sandy Balls(W) I’d Hit That(L) Court 1 Volleyball Fri Co-ed 6v6 - C
9/16/2022 7:30pm Fri  Salty Dawgs(L) Tucson Angel’s(W) Field 2 Softball Fri Men's 10v10 - E/Rec-2
9/16/2022 7:30pm Fri*  Help Wanted(G3)(W) Los Doctores(G3)(L) Field 1 Softball Fri Men's 10v10 - E/Rec-2
9/16/2022 7:30pm Fri  OUTLAWZ(W) E-Rect(L) Field 3 Softball Fri Men's 10v10 - E/Rec