Schedules Archive

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8/14/2022 9:00pm Sun  Reckin Crew(W) Rogue Squadron(L) Field 4 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
8/14/2022 8:45pm Sun  Slickity Slambreros(W) Just Beachy(L) Court 4 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 2v2 - A/B
8/14/2022 8:45pm Sun  TBD(W) M&M(L) Court 3 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 2v2 - A/B
8/14/2022 8:45pm Sun  Dora & Diego(W) Pair of Dimes(L) Court 2 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 2v2 - A/B
8/14/2022 8:45pm Sun  Red Team(W) Blue Team(L) Court 1 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 2v2 - A/B
8/14/2022 8:00pm Sun  M&M(W) Just Beachy(L) Court 4 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 2v2 - A/B
8/14/2022 8:00pm Sun  Pair of Dimes(W) Slickity Slambreros(L) Court 3 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 2v2 - A/B
8/14/2022 8:00pm Sun  Blue Team(L) TBD(W) Court 2 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 2v2 - A/B
8/14/2022 8:00pm Sun  Dora & Diego(W) Red Team(L) Court 1 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 2v2 - A/B
8/14/2022 8:00pm Sun  Mud Dog(T) Woo-Pass(T) Field 6 Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec
8/14/2022 8:00pm Sun  Ball-a-Holics(W) Gypsies(L) Field 2 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E
8/14/2022 8:00pm Sun  So Excited(W) G-code(L) Field 1 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E
8/14/2022 8:00pm Sun  Los SouthSiders(W) Sandy Cheeks(L) Field 3 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
8/14/2022 8:00pm Sun  Dinkmans Do Softball(L) For Hits & Giggles(W) Field 5 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
8/14/2022 8:00pm Sun  Crack Addicts(L) Scared Hitless(W) Field 4 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
8/14/2022 7:15pm Sun  Sunday Weenies(L) Mr. & Mrs.Wildman(W) Court 4 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 2v2 - A/B
8/14/2022 7:15pm Sun  Bump n Grind(W) Sh*tballs(L) Court 3 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 2v2 - A/B
8/14/2022 7:15pm Sun  U of A&B(W) The Kat and the Penguin(L) Court 2 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 2v2 - A/B
8/14/2022 7:15pm Sun  Serves up!(L) 2 Carrot Toothache(W) Court 1 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 2v2 - A/B
8/14/2022 7:00pm Sun  Los Doctores(W) Your Base Or Mine?(L) Field 3 Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec
8/14/2022 7:00pm Sun  Dumpster Fire(L) Drunk'N Ballers(W) Field 6 Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec
8/14/2022 7:00pm Sun  Sandlot(W) Ballin’ OG’s(L) Field 5 Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec-2
8/14/2022 7:00pm Sun  Young bucks(L) Milwaukee’s(W) Field 4 Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec-2
8/14/2022 7:00pm Sun  G-Code(T) Wicked swing(T) Field 2 Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E
8/14/2022 7:00pm Sun  Richard Craniums(L) So Excited(W) Field 1 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E
8/14/2022 6:30pm Sun  Sh*tballs(L) Mr. & Mrs.Wildman(W) Court 4 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 2v2 - A/B
8/14/2022 6:30pm Sun  The Kat and the Penguin(L) Sunday Weenies(W) Court 3 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 2v2 - A/B
8/14/2022 6:30pm Sun  2 Carrot Toothache(W) Bump n Grind(L) Court 2 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 2v2 - A/B
8/14/2022 6:30pm Sun  U of A&B(W) Serves up!(L) Court 1 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 2v2 - A/B
8/14/2022 6:00pm Sun  HMB(W) Hitmen(L) Field 3 Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec
8/14/2022 6:00pm Sun  Los piratas(W) Cool Arrows(L) Field 6 Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec
8/14/2022 6:00pm Sun  NTI'S(W) Band of Brothers(L) Field 5 Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec-2
8/14/2022 6:00pm Sun  Los caballeros(W) Founding Fathers(L) Field 4 Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec-2
8/14/2022 6:00pm Sun  BYB(W) Desert Lightning(L) Field 2 Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E
8/14/2022 6:00pm Sun  Alcoballics(L) Sidewinders(W) Field 1 Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E
8/12/2022 9:30pm Fri  Culligan Water(L) The squad(W) Field 5 Softball Fri Men's 10v10 - E/Rec
8/12/2022 9:30pm Fri  TBD(L) Pitch Slap(W) Field 3 Softball Fri Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
8/12/2022 9:30pm Fri  Mean machine(L) Whiskey Glasses(W) Field 6 Softball Fri Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
8/12/2022 9:30pm Fri  The Softballers(L) Last Call(W) Field 4 Softball Fri Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
8/12/2022 9:30pm Fri  New Edition(L) OnlyFriends(W) Field 2 Softball Fri Co-ed 10v10 - E
8/12/2022 9:30pm Fri  WS45(W) Bat Attitudes(L) Field 1 Softball Fri Co-ed 10v10 - E
8/12/2022 8:45pm Fri  Down Bad(W) Just the Tip(L) Court 4 Volleyball Fri Co-ed 6v6 - B
8/12/2022 8:45pm Fri  Tiddy Twisters(L) Wiener Wiener!(W) Court 3 Volleyball Fri Co-ed 6v6 - B
8/12/2022 8:45pm Fri  I’d Hit That(L) The Babes V6(W) Court 1 Volleyball Fri Co-ed 6v6 - B
8/12/2022 8:45pm Fri  Will Work for Sets(W) How I Set Your Mother(L) Court 2 Volleyball Fri Co-ed 6v6 - B
8/12/2022 8:30pm Fri  E-Rect(W) Toros(L) Field 4 Softball Fri Men's 10v10 - E/Rec
8/12/2022 8:30pm Fri  Yank-Deez(L) Game Throwers(W) Field 5 Softball Fri Men's 10v10 - E/Rec
8/12/2022 8:30pm Fri  Sandlot(L) Suicide Squad(W) Field 3 Softball Fri Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
8/12/2022 8:30pm Fri  Cartel(W) bad news builders(L) Field 6 Softball Fri Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
8/12/2022 8:30pm Fri  Bandits(W) Dtd(L) Field 2 Softball Fri Co-ed 10v10 - E