Schedules Archive

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Start Date ↑ Away  Home  Location  League
5/6/2019 8:30pm Mon*  No Pepper Games(G3)(W) ITDE(G3)(L) Field 3 Softball Mon Men's 10v10 - E
5/6/2019 7:30pm Mon  Cancelled(L) Yankdeez(W) Field 2 Softball Mon Co-ed 10v10 - E
5/6/2019 7:30pm Mon*  Mound Pounders(G1)(L) No Pepper Games(G1)(W) Field 1 Softball Mon Men's 10v10 - E
5/6/2019 7:30pm Mon*  Trojans XL(G2)(W) Hose Monkeys 3572(G2)(L) Field 3 Softball Mon Men's 10v10 - E
5/6/2019 7:15pm Mon  Sweet Digs(W) Bad Execution(L) Court 1 Volleyball Mon Co-ed Lite 4v4 - A/B
5/6/2019 7:15pm Mon  Sweaty ballz(W) Pancakes Are Served(L) Court 2 Volleyball Mon Co-ed Lite 4v4 - A/B
5/6/2019 7:15pm Mon  Red Team(L) Sand in Low Places(W) Court 3 Volleyball Mon Co-ed Lite 4v4 - A/B
5/6/2019 6:30pm Mon  Sweaty ballz(W) Sweet Digs(L) Court 1 Volleyball Mon Co-ed Lite 4v4 - A/B
5/6/2019 6:30pm Mon  Bad Execution(W) Red Team(L) Court 2 Volleyball Mon Co-ed Lite 4v4 - A/B
5/6/2019 6:30pm Mon  Pancakes Are Served(L) Sand in Low Places(W) Court 3 Volleyball Mon Co-ed Lite 4v4 - A/B
5/5/2019 9:30pm Sun  Richard Craniums(L) MASTER BATTERS(W) Field 1 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - D
5/5/2019 9:30pm Sun  Blue Team(W) Running Late(L) Field 6 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E
5/5/2019 9:30pm Sun  520(W) Pre Med Testing(L) Field 5 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E
5/5/2019 9:30pm Sun  BNB(L) Up the Middle(W) Field 4 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E
5/5/2019 9:30pm Sun  TBD(T) Super Smash Bros(T) Field 3 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
5/5/2019 8:30pm Sun  Bad Intentions(W) Just grinding(L) Field 1 Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - D
5/5/2019 8:30pm Sun*  Wicked swing(G3)(W) Light 'Em Up(G3)(L) Field 2 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - D
5/5/2019 8:30pm Sun  Tucson Sluggers(L) Bad Intentions(W) Field 4 Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E
5/5/2019 8:30pm Sun  I'd hit it like this(W) Bomb Squad(L) Field 5 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E
5/5/2019 8:30pm Sun*  Diamond Rookies 2(G3)(W) B.A.D.(G3)(L) Field 3 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
5/5/2019 8:30pm Sun  Bench Warmers(W) GTA(L) Field 6 Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec
5/5/2019 7:30pm Sun  T.H.S(L) Just grinding(W) Field 1 Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - D
5/5/2019 7:30pm Sun*  BANG BANG(G1)(L) Wicked swing(G1)(W) Field 2 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - D
5/5/2019 7:30pm Sun  The Tucson boys(L) Bad Intentions(W) Field 4 Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E
5/5/2019 7:30pm Sun*  Bliss Aesthetics(G3)(L) Bat-itude(G3)(W) Field 5 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E
5/5/2019 7:30pm Sun*  base-ic pitches(G1)(L) Diamond Rookies 2(G1)(W) Field 3 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
5/5/2019 7:30pm Sun*  The Saints(G2)(L) B.A.D.(G2)(W) Field 6 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec
5/5/2019 7:10pm Sun  730/284/784/279(W) 133/3609/3443/724(L) Court 1 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 4v4 Weighted Shuffle- Cinco De Mayo!
5/5/2019 7:10pm Sun  1638/3581/267/3517(L) 275/413/390/307(W) Court 2 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 4v4 Weighted Shuffle- Cinco De Mayo!
5/5/2019 7:10pm Sun  104/3484/2449/710(L) 3519/1647/364/465(W) Court 3 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 4v4 Weighted Shuffle- Cinco De Mayo!
5/5/2019 7:10pm Sun  93/3432/539/103(W) 661/135/582/121(L) Court 4 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 4v4 Weighted Shuffle- Cinco De Mayo!
5/5/2019 6:50pm Sun  413/93/3517/307(W) 1647/3519/710/390(L) Court 1 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 4v4 Weighted Shuffle- Cinco De Mayo!
5/5/2019 6:50pm Sun  135/1638/465/784(L) 661/3581/103/267(W) Court 2 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 4v4 Weighted Shuffle- Cinco De Mayo!
5/5/2019 6:50pm Sun  730/133/582/3443(L) 284/3484/279/2449(W) Court 3 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 4v4 Weighted Shuffle- Cinco De Mayo!
5/5/2019 6:50pm Sun  104/3432/724/121(L) 275/3609/539/364(W) Court 4 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 4v4 Weighted Shuffle- Cinco De Mayo!
5/5/2019 6:30pm Sun*  Vallee Gold Team(G3)(W) State 48(G3)(L) Field 1 Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - D
5/5/2019 6:30pm Sun*  Look Alive(G2)(L) Light 'Em Up(G2)(W) Field 2 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - D
5/5/2019 6:30pm Sun*  Blue Ballers(G3)(L) Slapping pitches(G3)(W) Field 4 Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E
5/5/2019 6:30pm Sun*  For Hits & Giggles(G1)(L) Bliss Aesthetics(G1)(W) Field 5 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E
5/5/2019 6:30pm Sun*  Bat-itude(G2)(W) Ball-a-Holics(G2)(L) Field 6 Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E
5/5/2019 6:30pm Sun*  BYB(G3)(L) Dingers(G3)(W) Field 3 Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec
5/5/2019 6:30pm Sun  275/104/103/307(L) 133/661/390/582(W) Court 1 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 4v4 Weighted Shuffle- Cinco De Mayo!
5/5/2019 6:30pm Sun  93/730/465/710(L) 3484/413/279/267(W) Court 2 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 4v4 Weighted Shuffle- Cinco De Mayo!
5/5/2019 6:30pm Sun  1638/135/3443/364(L) 3609/3519/784/121(W) Court 3 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 4v4 Weighted Shuffle- Cinco De Mayo!
5/5/2019 6:30pm Sun  3581/3432/3517/2449(L) 284/1647/539/724(W) Court 4 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 4v4 Weighted Shuffle- Cinco De Mayo!
5/5/2019 6:10pm Sun  275/104/3443/784(L) 413/661/279/364(W) Court 1 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 4v4 Weighted Shuffle- Cinco De Mayo!
5/5/2019 6:10pm Sun  3609/3581/2449/121(W) 3519/284/103/3517(L) Court 2 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 4v4 Weighted Shuffle- Cinco De Mayo!
5/5/2019 6:10pm Sun  133/730/390/710(W) 1638/93/465/267(L) Court 3 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 4v4 Weighted Shuffle- Cinco De Mayo!
5/5/2019 6:10pm Sun  3484/307/539/3432(W) 135/1647/582/724(L) Court 4 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 4v4 Weighted Shuffle- Cinco De Mayo!
5/5/2019 5:50pm Sun  3519/135/267/784(W) 104/3484/3517/582(L) Court 1 Volleyball Sun Co-ed 4v4 Weighted Shuffle- Cinco De Mayo!