Pitch Please


Seed Team Wins Loses Ties PDiff APDiff Games HRs
No Standings Available
PDiff = Point Differential, APDiff = Average Point Differential, HR = Homeruns

Tournament Standings

Seed Team Wins Loses PDiff APDiff Games
No Tournaments Standings Available
PDiff = Point Differential, APDiff = Average Point Differential, HR = Homeruns

Schedule - Pitch Please

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Start Date  Away  Home  Location 
2/23/2025 5:00PM Pitch Please Los Piratas Field 6
3/2/2025 7:00PM Misfits Pitch Please Field 6
3/9/2025 5:00PM Pitch Please K & K Heights Field 6
3/16/2025 8:00PM Drunk'n Ballers Pitch Please Field 6

Blackout Dates: