
Player Info

Softball - 10v10 - E - Co-ed

Rank: 60.5 of 256
Match Wins: 3
Match Loses: 1
Win Percentage: 75.00%

Softball - 10v10 - Upper/Lower - Co-ed

Rank: 72 of 152
Match Wins: 2
Match Loses: 2
Win Percentage: 50.00%

Performance Rating

Registrations (3)

Feb 15th Softball Tournament Co-ed 10v10 (2/15/25-2/15/25) Balls of Duty
Softball Fri Co-ed 10v10 - E (1/3/25-2/28/25) Ballz of duty
Aug 24th Softball Tournament Co-ed 10v10 - Lower (8/24/24-8/25/24) Here For Beer