

Seed Team Wins Loses Ties PDiff APDiff Games HRs
1 *Goon Squad 8 0 0 58 7.250 8 17
2 The Fellas 6 1 1 52 6.500 8 15
3 Grease Slappers 5 3 0 21 2.625 8 6
4 VetSports-MTS 4 3 1 -6 -0.750 8 9
5 Roll Daddy's 4 3 1 -1 -0.125 8 6
6 TVO 4 4 0 5 0.625 8 8
7 Lickity split 3 5 1 -13 -1.444 9 10
8 Chuggers and sluggers 3 6 0 -14 -1.556 9 11
9 Caribenos 2 6 0 -26 -3.250 8 11
10 Smyth Industries 1 7 0 -58 -7.250 8 6
PDiff = Point Differential, APDiff = Average Point Differential, HR = Homeruns

Tournament Standings

Seed Team Wins Loses PDiff APDiff Games
1 Goon Squad 2 0 17 8.500 2
2 The Fellas 1 1 3 1.500 2
3 Grease Slappers 0 1 -4 -4.000 1
3 VetSports-MTS 0 1 -16 -16.000 1
PDiff = Point Differential, APDiff = Average Point Differential, HR = Homeruns


Match Info: