COVID-19 Updates

Fill out your Covid Prescreen HERE to expedite your check-in process for tournaments! Must be completed no earlier than 4 hours prior to the tournament. For a copy of our Mitigation plan please click HERE.

COVID-19 Updates- Masks are required at all times! (Active players do not have to wear them while playing.) Please keep 6 feet away from others! Thank you!

November 2020

As we enter into the fall phase of COVID-19 2020, we are needing to take additional steps to comply with the Arizona Department of Health and Pima County Guidelines. 

Park Update: COVID-19
 We will be taking precautions to ensure safe play. We ask that you self-screen and ask that you stay at home if you are exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19:

Self-Screen Questions: 

Have you had any signs or symptoms of a fever in the past 24 hours such as chills, sweats, felt “feverish” or had a temperature that is elevated for you/100.0F or greater? ⬜Yes ⬜No

Do you have any of the following symptoms?

  • Cough Shortness of Breath or Chest Tightness
  • Sore Throat
  • Nasal Congestion/Runny Nose
  • Myalgia (Body Aches)
  • Loss of Taste and/or Smell
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fever/Chills/Sweats

Have you traveled internationally or outside of state in the last 14 days? Or, have you had any close contact in the last 14 days with someone with a diagnosis of COVID-19? ⬜Yes ⬜No

If you answered yes to ANY of the above self-screening questions please stay home!

Upon your arrival at Sports Park, you may be subject to a temperature screen. If our COVID-19 Safety Official determines that you do not meet the requirements of the screening process you may not be allowed to enter the park. We appreciate your continued support as we navigate through the new protocols we are being asked to enforce to keep our park open. 

Guidelines for everyone-

  1. Masks must be worn at all times unless you are playing out in the court or field. Bleachers are now temporarily closed off, please bring your own chair. If attendants have health conditions Face Shields or loose scarves may be worn instead of Face Masks. 
  2. Temperature Checks may be taken to ensure participants are kept safe. 
  3. In the bag check area, when you enter the park, each person will need to show all contents in their bag, backpack, or purse. Our staff will not be touching customer property but will need to see all items you are bringing in. Please keep your personal contents to the essentials so the process can go quickly.
  4. All staff, players, umpires, and spectators will need to maintain a 6-foot distance from each other on and off the fields/volleyball courts.
  5. We recommend staff, players, umpires, and spectators bring hand sanitizing products. Avoid touching your face and wash your hands frequently.
  6. Minimize player contact by eliminating team/player handshakes & team/player high fives.
  7. Spectators should set up chairs and sit 6-feet away from other teams (unless it is a family that resides under the same roof).
  8. Masks are required to enter the park and must be worn for the duration of your visit unless you are playing in the outfiled for softball or on the volleyball courts.
  9. Only people from the same household will be allowed to be at close range. If you do not reside in the same household the 6ft social distancing rule will be in effect.
  10. Sneeze/cough into a tissue or elbow.
  11. Team captains will be asked to help enforce social distancing guidelines.
  12. Concessions will not be permitted to fill up cups of ice or personal water bottles at this time so please make sure to bring enough water for play.
  13. No sunflower seeds will be allowed in the park at this time. No spitting will be permitted.
  14. No sharing of any food and beverage or coolers.

Additional recommendations for softball participants:

  1. New softballs will remain in the packaging until they are introduced into the game. All players are recommended to use their own equipment while participating. This includes gloves, bats, etc.
  2. The catcher and umpire will be asked to position themselves during a player’s at-bat to allow for social distancing.
  3. We will be implementing force outs with no tagging to avoid contact.
  4. Softball sanitizing in between innings will be required (disinfectant spray will be provided for each dugout).
  5. Disinfectant spray bottles will be provided for each dugout so that players spray dugout areas between games.
  6. Dugout guidelines:
    • If social distancing cannot be accomplished in the dugouts players will need to wear a face-mask. Violation of terms can lead to the closing of dugouts.
    • Teams entering the dugout shall come from the directions coming from the plate towards the dugout and wait for the other team to entirely vacate the dugout. Teams shall exit towards the outfield to avoid contacting the incoming team. 

Additional recommendations for volleyball participants:

  1. Volleyballs will be disinfected before and after games.
  2. Teams will need to remain on opposing sides in between games.
  3. If there is a question during games only one person will be allowed to approach the league coordinator on duty and will need to remain 6ft from each other. 
  4. Spectators will need to remain 6 feet from players and other spectators as well.
  5. Players will need to bring personal towels and use them in between games.
  6. We encourage players to disinfect areas where personal belongings will be placed before and after use. (Disinfecting sprays will be available.)

Please remember that player safety is paramount. No amount of precaution can guarantee a completely sterile environment, so all participants agree to play at their own risk. Updated waivers have been released and all players will need to sign to resume play at Sports Park.

If you are part of the vulnerable population we ask that you stay home:

— Stay home if you are sick, or are exhibiting any of the following symptoms; cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills, muscle pain or sore throat.
— Based on currently available information and clinical expertise, older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions (heart disease, chronic lung disease, asthma, etc.) might be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19, and should not attend the Event.
— An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public space where people are present.
— COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death.

Tested Positive for COVID-19? OR Have you been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19?

According to the Arizona Department of Health “Release from isolation and Quarantine Guidance- 7/27/2020” attendants present with the symptom(s) similar to COVID-19 may resume play under one of the following conditions: 

  • 10 days have passed from when symptoms first appeared, the attendant has been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication, and all symptoms are resolving; OR
  • The attendant has been tested and is negative for COVID-19, and a copy of the result has been provided to the Park Staff; OR
  • The attendant has been evaluated by a licensed healthcare provider and can provide the school with a note stating symptoms are not COVID related.

Thank you for your efforts in ensuring the safety of everyone. Thank you for your continued support!

Sports Park Tucson

Additional Updates

Games cancelled! Sunday, Nov 3rd, 2024 (11/3/2024)Rain out tonight tonight! We are going to reschedule the games for tonight. These games will be moved to a later date. The softball and volleyball lights will be turned OFF. We apologize for the inconvenience. Be safe!Read More
Nov 23rd Sand Volleyball Tournament Men’s & Women’s 4v4 (10/8/2024)4v4 Men’s and Women’s sand volleyball tournament at Sports Park! Here is what to expect: 1st place team will get $120 CASH and a Winner Photo Single-game pool-play matches Best of 3-Game matches for Winner’s bracket, single game matches to 25 for Loser’s Bracket Double Elimination B...Read More
Games cancelled! Sunday, Sept 15, 2024 (9/15/2024)Due to the current court and field conditions, we are going to reschedule the games and practices for tonight. These games will be moved to a later date. The softball and volleyball lights will be turned OFF. We apologize for the inconvenience. Be safe!Read More
Sep 14th Sand Volleyball Tournament Men’s & Women’s 2v2 (9/5/2024)2v2 Men’s and Women’s sand volleyball tournament at Sports Park! Here is what to expect: 1st place team will get $90 CASH and a Winner Photo Single-game pool-play matches Single-game tournament matches Double Elimination Bracket $3 entry fee to get into Sports Park Only 16 spots availab...Read More
Games and practices cancelled! Friday, August 23, 2024 (8/23/2024)Due to the current court and field conditions, we are going to reschedule the games and practices for tonight. These games will be moved to a later date. The softball and volleyball lights will be turned OFF. We apologize for the inconvenience. Be safe!Read More
Games and practices cancelled! Wednesday, August 21, 2024 (8/21/2024)Due to the current court and field conditions, we are going to reschedule the games and practices for tonight. These games will be moved to a later date. The softball and volleyball lights will be turned OFF. We apologize for the inconvenience. Be safe!Read More
Games and practices cancelled! Tuesday August 20, 2024 (8/20/2024)Due to the current court and field conditions, we are going to reschedule the games and practices for tonight. These games will be moved to a later date. The softball and volleyball lights will be turned OFF. We apologize for the inconvenience. Be safe!Read More
Games and practices cancelled! Thursday, August 8, 2024 (8/8/2024)Due to the current court and field conditions, we are going to reschedule the games and practices for tonight. These games will be moved to a later date. The softball and volleyball lights will be turned OFF. We apologize for the inconvenience. Be safe!Read More
Games and practices cancelled! Sunday, August 4, 2024 (8/4/2024)Due to the current court and field conditions, we are going to reschedule the games and practices for tonight. These games will be moved to a later date. The softball and volleyball lights will be turned OFF. We apologize for the inconvenience. Be safe!Read More
Games and practices cancelled! Friday, August 2, 2024 (8/2/2024)Due to the current court and field conditions, we are going to reschedule the games and practices for tonight. These games will be moved to a later date. The softball and volleyball lights will be turned OFF. We apologize for the inconvenience. Be safe!Read More