
Badges (81)

Gold: 5
Tournament: 1
Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec-2 Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec Softball - Nov 23rd Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower 3 Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E Softball - Nov 23rd Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower Gold - Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec-2 Softball - Sep 14th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower 2 Softball - Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec-2 Softball - Sep 14th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower Softball - Aug 24th Softball Tournament Co-ed 10v10 - Lower 2 Softball - Jul 6th Softball Tournament Co-ed Lite 10v10 - Lower 2 Softball - Jul 6th Softball Tournament Co-ed Lite 10v10 - Lower Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E Softball - May 18th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower 2 Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec Gold - Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E Softball - May 18th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower Softball - Softball Mon Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec Softball - Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E Softball - Jan 20th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower 2 Softball - Jan 20th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower Softball - Nov 18th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Upper Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec-2 Softball - Nov 18th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E Softball - Softball Fri Men's 10v10 - E Gold - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec-2 Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec Softball - Softball Mon Co-ed 10v10 - E Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec-2 Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec Softball - Softball Mon Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec Softball - Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E Softball - Softball Mon Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E Softball - Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec-2 Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E Gold - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E Softball - Feb 11th Softball Tournament Co-ed 10v10 - Lower 2 Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E Softball - Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec-2 Softball - Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E Softball - Jul 9th Softball Tournament Co-ed 10v10 - Lower 2 Softball - Jul 9th Softball Tournament Co-ed 10v10 - Upper Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E Softball - Nov 20th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower 2 Softball - Nov 20th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower Softball - Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E Softball - Aug 28th Softball Tournament Co-ed 10v10 - Lowers 2 Softball - Aug 28th Softball Tournament Co-ed 10v10 - Lower Softball - Aug 7th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower Softball - Aug 7th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower 2 Softball - Jul 10th Softball Tournament Co-ed 10v10 - Lower Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E Softball - Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E Softball - Sep 12th Softball Tournament Co-ed 10v10 - Lower Sep 12th Softball Tournament Co-ed 10v10 - Sep 12th Softball Tournament Co-ed 10v10 - Lower Softball - Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E Gold - Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E Softball - Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E Softball - Softball Fri Men's 10v10 - E Softball - Sept 21st Softball Tournament Co-ed 10v10 - Lower 1 Softball - Sept 21st Softball Tournament Co-ed 10v10 - Lower 2 Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec Softball - Softball Fri Men's 10v10 - E Softball - Softball Fri Men's 10v10 - D Softball - Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec Softball - Softball Thu Men's 10v10 - 35+ Softball - Softball Fri Men's 10v10 - D Softball - Softball Fri Men's 10v10 - C

Player Info

Softball - 10v10 - E - Men's

Rank: 328 of
Match Wins: 3
Match Loses: 6
Win Percentage: 33.33%

Softball - 10v10 - E/Rec - Co-ed

Rank: 155 of 713
Match Wins: 6
Match Loses: 3
Win Percentage: 66.67%

Softball - 10v10 - E/Rec - Men's

Rank: 965.5 of
Match Wins: 1
Match Loses: 2
Win Percentage: 33.33%

Softball - 10v10 - Lower - Men's

Rank: 334.5 of
Match Wins: 0
Match Loses: 6
Win Percentage: 0.00%

Softball - 10v10 - Upper/Lower - Co-ed

Rank: 14 of 152
Match Wins: 4
Match Loses: 0
Win Percentage: 100.00%

Softball - 10v10 - Upper/Lower - Co-ed Lite

Rank: 106.5 of 220
Match Wins: 2
Match Loses: 2
Win Percentage: 50.00%

Performance Rating

Registrations (57)

Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec-2 (11/24/24-1/26/25) Drunk’N Ballers
Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E (11/24/24-2/2/25) PTA
Nov 23rd Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower 3 (11/23/24-11/23/24) Pro Tech Awnings
Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec-2 (8/25/24-10/27/24) DEWITT ELECTRIC W
Sep 14th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower 2 (9/14/24-9/15/24) PT
Aug 24th Softball Tournament Co-ed 10v10 - Lower 2 (8/24/24-8/25/24) So Excited W
Jul 6th Softball Tournament Co-ed Lite 10v10 - Lower 2 (7/6/24-7/7/24) PTA
Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E (5/19/24-8/18/24) PTA
May 18th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower 2 (5/18/24-5/19/24) Pro tech awnings
Softball Mon Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec (2/19/24-4/29/24) Popping Balls
Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E (2/25/24-5/5/24) Breaking Bats W
Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E (2/25/24-5/5/24) Pro Tech Awning
Jan 20th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower 2 (1/20/24-1/20/24) PTA
Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec-2 (11/5/23-2/18/24) Drunk’N Ballers
Nov 18th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Upper (11/18/23-11/18/23) Pro tech awnings
Softball Fri Men's 10v10 - E (11/3/23-1/26/24) Los porfis
Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E (11/5/23-2/4/24) Protech awnings
Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec-2 (8/20/23-10/29/23) Pro tech awnings W
Softball Mon Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec (9/11/23-11/13/23) G&D
Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E (5/21/23-8/6/23) SO EXCITED
Softball Mon Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec (6/5/23-8/28/23) Bottom of the barrel
Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E (6/4/23-8/13/23) PTA
Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E (3/5/23-5/7/23) Breaking Bats
Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec-2 (3/5/23-5/21/23) Drunk’n Ballers
Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E (3/5/23-5/7/23) PTA
Feb 11th Softball Tournament Co-ed 10v10 - Lower 2 (2/11/23-2/11/23) BWB
Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E (11/20/22-2/19/23) camel hunters W
Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E/Rec-2 (11/20/22-2/19/23) Breaking Bats
Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec (11/20/22-2/26/23) Drunk’n Ballers
Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec (9/18/22-11/13/22) Drunk'N Ballers
Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E (9/18/22-11/13/22) Pro Tech Awning
Jul 9th Softball Tournament Co-ed 10v10 - Lower 2 (7/9/22-7/10/22) She's my sister
Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E (6/12/22-8/28/22) Pro tech awnings
Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E (3/20/22-6/5/22) PTA
Nov 20th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower 2 (11/20/21-11/20/21) Pro tech awnings W
Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E (10/3/21-12/5/21) PTA SO EXCITED
Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E (10/3/21-12/12/21) PTA SO EXCITED
Aug 28th Softball Tournament Co-ed 10v10 - Lowers 2 (8/28/21-8/29/21) Pro-Tech Awnings W
Aug 7th Softball Tournament Men's 10v10 - Lower (8/7/21-8/8/21) Pro-Tech awning
Jul 10th Softball Tournament Co-ed 10v10 - Lower (7/10/21-7/10/21) So Excited
Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E (6/27/21-9/26/21) PTA So excited
Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E (3/28/21-6/13/21) PTA
Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E (10/11/20-3/21/21) PTA- So Excited
Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E (10/11/20-3/21/21) So Excited
Sep 12th Softball Tournament Co-ed 10v10 - Lower (9/12/20-9/12/20) So Excited
Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E (6/7/20-9/27/20) So Excited
Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E (6/7/20-9/20/20) PTA
Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E (10/20/19-12/22/19) So Excited
Softball Sun Co-ed 10v10 - E (10/20/19-12/22/19) So Excited coed W
Softball Fri Men's 10v10 - E (10/4/19-12/20/19) Mercenaries
Sept 21st Softball Tournament Co-ed 10v10 - Lower 1 (9/21/19-9/21/19) Lint lickers W
Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec (8/4/19-10/6/19) So Excited
Softball Fri Men's 10v10 - E (7/26/19-9/27/19) Hate us cause they ain't us
Softball Fri Men's 10v10 - D (5/10/19-7/12/19) Commission-Platinum Air
Softball Sun Men's 10v10 - E/Rec (5/19/19-7/28/19) So excited
Softball Thu Men's 10v10 - 35+ (4/18/19-5/30/19) HAN's W
Softball Fri Men's 10v10 - D (3/8/19-5/3/19) Arizona Offense